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Understanding Contraception and Its Uses

Contraception Methods
• Use of hormones, devices, or surgical procedures to prevent pregnancy.
• Effectiveness depends on age, frequency of sex, and correct contraceptive use.
• Most contraceptives are over 99% effective when used correctly.

Variable Contraception Methods
• Condoms: Barrier method that prevents pregnancy by stopping sperm from fertilising an egg.
• Combination contraceptive pill: Synthetic versions of estrogen and progesterone.
• Progestogen-only pill: Mini-pill, contains no estrogen.
• Contraceptive implants and injections: Long-acting, effective, reversible, and progestogen-only.
• Diaphragms: Barrier method used by women.
• Vaginal ring: Small, flexible ring placed inside the vagina, removed after 21 days.
• Contraceptive skin implant: Small plastic rod inserted under the upper arm skin.
• Intrauterine device (IUD): Small, T-shaped plastic and copper device that fits inside the uterus.
• Vasectomy: A dependable and generally permanent method of contraception.

Emergency Contraception
• Emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill) and copper IUD: Two types of contraceptives.
• Emergency contraceptive pill is available without a prescription and should be taken as soon as possible.

Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
• A month-long course of anti-HIV drugs to prevent HIV infection after a possible exposure.

Aloha Telehealth Services
• Provides a convenient and secure system for doctor appointments.
• Doctors conduct a comprehensive assessment, including pre-existing conditions, family history, preferred treatments, individualised advice, and referrals or scripts.