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Erectile Dysfunction

• Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue in men over 45, affecting sexual satisfaction and partner relationships. • Caused by physical and psychological factors, it can occur at any stage of adulthood and is more common in individuals with chronic illnesses, obesity, smoking habits, or sedentary lifestyles. • Treatments include lifestyle adjustments and medical interventions, with guidance from doctors and urologists, psychologists, or sexual health specialists. • ED can be linked to physical ailments like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and lifestyle factors like smoking and obesity. • Psychological stressors like work pressures, relationship difficulties, or financial concerns can also contribute to ED. • Symptoms include reoccurring trouble achieving or maintaining an erection, progressive loss of function, and early warning signs for underlying health conditions. • Aloha Telehealth doctors can provide individualised medical advice to determine the appropriate treatment plan.