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Hay Fever

• Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction resulting from overreaction to allergens like pollen, dust mites, animal dander, fungal spores, and air pollutants.
• It is a prevalent chronic respiratory condition in Australia, more common among working-age adults and women.
• Symptoms can range from mild to severe, disrupting daily life and potentially worsening asthma.
• Symptoms can range from mild to severe, causing sleep issues, fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating, frequent ear or sinus infections, and worsening asthma.
• Symptoms can be managed by avoiding triggers and using medications like antihistamines and nasal sprays.
• Grass & pollen allergies can cause allergic reactions in some people, leading to hay fever and asthma symptoms.
• Symptoms can be mistaken for other conditions but persist without treatment. Untreated allergic rhinitis can lead to complications like poor sleep, daytime fatigue, headaches, and recurrent infections, and is linked to asthma development.